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dc.contributor.authorSikolia, Mulievi S
dc.identifier.citationMasters thesis University of Nairobi 1993en
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out to identify and examine the roots of the Catholic Church in Kakamega from the period of Father Agt to this time of Bishop Sulumeti. It was also done to asses the impact of the Catholic Church initiated Development Programmes on the people in their rural setting. The study also tried to find out whether or not the conversion of the Abaluyia to Catholic Christianity affected or was not affected by their African identity by which we mean their traditional norms and values. In other words, did one cease to be a Luyia in order to become a Christian or one remained a Luyia despite the changes that were taking place? The study looked at the following: First, the historical genesis of the Abaluyia of Kakamega before and after the Missionary period as a preliminary observation necessary for a better understanding of the subject. This is because of the fact that these people are our reference group and were affected by the coming of the Missionaries. It is our conviction that by reflecting on the past, we can manage to understand better the present situation in Buluyia. Consequently, the historical origins of the Abaluyia, their socio-cultural, economic, political and religious life are examined. Furthermore, the changes based on the coming of the Europeans and the Missionary contribution in introducing and imparting the new Christian religion to the Abaluyia is considered. The second step is that of the advent and activities of the Mill Hill Missionaries in Buluyia, the early Mission stations and early Miisionary activities are looked at and the Abaluyia reaction to these activities. This helps us to know the form of conduct and interaction that existed between the Abaluyia and the Missionaries. The analysis of the role of the Catholic Church in rural development in Kakamega is the third step in our study. The study looks at the Church initiated development programmes and assesses their impact on the people in their rural setting. It is realized that despite the changes that have taken place, the Abaluyia have "remained Luyia to a certain degree. Aspects from both the Luyia and Missionary values are seen to have combined to suit the Luyia Christian, as there is no complete assimilation on both sides. Today, the church is being inculturated into the local language, material and thought forms so that it can reach the Abaluyia in a manner that they can understand and comprehend. This if achieved, will make them defend their faith which they understand rather than the old copy of the "Roman Church". Since there will be clear understanding of the church and its activities, it is hoped that little will be reduction in the exodus of our catholics to join the African Independent Churches. The study also examines the contribution of the African Christians to the development of the church and its activities in Buluya. The role of the laity and African leaders is discussed. Finally in the conclusion, the work reflects on the whole study and the implications thereby with regards to development and African Christian identity. This helps us to understand the expansion of the Catholic faith, the Church's role in development and the place of the African Christians. The study found out that the Catholic church reached Kakamega early this century. The M.H.M, who evangelized the area brought in the new religion and way of life. The impact of the initiated development programmes and institutions on the Abaluyia is big though it has not alienated them from their "roots". This conclusion is reached since the study found out that a lot of changes have taken place without "uprooting" the Abaluyia from their way of life. The Church is being unculturated in language, material and thought form so as to accommodate fully the Luyia Christian, the study also found out that by being a Christian, one does not discard his or her cultural values and thus the Abaluyia Christians are called upon to accept that their values are just as good and God given. It was also found out that the old generation of Christians i.e., the Sulumeti's and the young one have a continuous conflict. The Sulumeti's cherish memories of the church as it was at the Missionary period hence accuse the younger one of laxity. The latter on the other hand stresses on inculturation and are happy with the new changes hence they accuse the former of heresy. This conflict calls upon the church and the society to reconcile the two.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleFactors of development in the catholic church in Kakamega: from father Agt to bishop Sulumeti (1907-1992)en
local.publisherDepartment Of Religious Studiesen

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