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dc.contributor.authorAmutabi, R Lillian
dc.identifier.citationA project submitted in partial fulfilment for postgraduate diploma in population studies-population studies and esearch instituteen
dc.description.abstractThe study is an investigation into the socio-cultural supports of high fertility among the Isukha of Kakamea a district. It revolves around the hypothesis that both persistent and changing socia-cultural factors (norms, values and practices) affect positively the fertility rates and levels of any given society. The study has utilized data collected in a field survey carried out by Ocholla-Ayayo and Muganzi in 1985. The data was obtained from household interviews by use of a structured questionnaire. Questionnaires For the present study a sample of 250 were selected from those questionnaires administered in Isukha. The principal methods of analysis employed in the study are frequencies and percentages. Cross-tabulations have also been used to show the relationship between some independent variables and the dependent variable (TFR). The findings are basically presented in tabular form. Descriptive analyses has been used in writing the report of the finding!?;s, conclusions and recommendations. Some of the major findings obtained from the data presentation and analyses are: • A high TFR of 7.3 was found for Isukha women. • Marriage is relatively early and most women marry between ages 18-20 • A TFR of 2 was found for single women. • The normal interbirth period has declined from the traditional 3 years to an average of 20.6 months. • Post-partum abstinence period has declined from the traditional period of at least two years to anly 6 months. The above factors among others pertaining to persistence and changing social-cultural practices were shown to increase and sustain high fertilility rates (TFR OF 7.3) among the Isukha.en
dc.titleThe changing socio-cultural context of the proximate determinants of fertility among the Isukha of Kakamega Districten
local.publisherDepartment of Arts-institute of population studies and researchen

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