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dc.contributor.authorAmonde, Ouko Leah
dc.description.abstractWhen one considers the position of children's literature in Kenya, an obvious element that emerges is that it is a collective activity that all children pass through. The children engage in play at home or in school as they get socialized into the society. The songs are expressed through the medium of language at the same time that the child learns to communicate. Children's literature has not received maximum attention and this is what prompted this study of children's play songs in an urban area. The first part of this study entails its objectives and shows the urgent need to pay attention to children's literature. The statement of the problem is the relationship between form and content of children's songs in Nairobi province with focus on style and themes. The study works on the assumption that the involvement of children in . , the creation and performance of these songs creates aesthetic beauty as well as encourages the comprehension of the themes espoused. It analyzes the role of the children in conveying the message in their performance and the language used. It is justified in that children's songs have not been studied critically, fills the gap owing to intellectual stereotypes that oral literature is a rural concept, and the young artists are able to create literature anew by dual role of audience and artist. The literature review clarifies on the need for scholars to take more interest children's literature and especially children's songs. It delves deeper into the nature of audiences, the text, the performance space and the reaction of the young performers 1 to the rendered text in highlighting the functions of songs. The study looks at the methodology in regard to research techniques, methods and instruments of research. The study avails itself on formalist theory in analyzing content, reader-response in critiquing the reaction of audience, and performance theory in rendering of the text by the young artist. Performance hereby plays an integral role in the creation of the text, and hence the content of the song. The second part deals with the nature of the songs and analyses the use of language to create a reaction from a child. Language is hereby viewed as a tool for conveying the intended message in an exhaustive manner, given that children do not adhere to complexities. The third part discusses the functions of the play songs by looking at the duality of children's play songs. The educative nature of play songs is analyzed while - considering their ability to entertain and create pleasure in the children. The useful purpose of the songs comes afore. This fourth part foregrounds the role of the child in creating oral literature. It discusses the role of performance in realizing the functions of the songs. The performative aspects of individual artists are examined whilst investigating the connection to the audience at large. The ingenuity of each performance is hence established as each artist is unique in his or her own way. The unique features of drama, vitality, warmth, vividness, and agility are foregrounded. This fifth chapter sums up the study and assess whether the objectives set out have been proven. It also sheds light on future areas of study closely related to this study.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThe University of Nairobien
dc.subjectForm and content in children's play songsen
dc.subjectNairobi provinceen
dc.titleForm and content in children's play songs: a case study of Nairobi provinceen

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