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dc.contributor.authorKeter, Sammy M
dc.identifier.citationSubmitted toward partial fulfillment Master 0f Arts Degree at the Department 01 Sociologyen
dc.description.abstractThe present study attempts to identify the structure of, and the factors that influence. decision-making and technical change in Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASAL) of Laikipia District. Kenya. The study was carried out in two areas in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of Laikipia District; Kalalu lays in a slightly better potential area while Matanya lays in a low potential area. 75 households were randomly selected in both areas, 40 in Kafalu and 35 in Matanya. A double visit interview was made for each selected household where a questionnaire having issues ranging from use of appropriate techniques of farming to decision-making questions were asked. The household head or his wife were selected as the main respondents to the questionnaire. Where either the man or the woman were not available. a senior member of the household was chosen. Unlike what other scientists have earlier discussed. females in the present s-tudy wielded greater power in decision- making than the males. Not only did female decision-makers decide in most cases. but their decision-making was mostly within the authoritative (autocratic) decision-making mode. Male decision-making on the o_ther hand was mostly within the democratic (syncratic) mode. Females' power in decision Is stronger in crop production while male's power is more entrenched in livestock production . .... The level of production in the household determines who is in charge of decision-making. Where production is high. male power in decision-making is strong while it is weak when production is low. The opposite applies to female decision-making. Because of low production in ASAL, female power in decision-making is generally more entrenched than the male power. Moreover, domestication of production as a result of decline in natural and economic resources does not only favour female decision-making now but is likely to lower male participation in production currently and in future. Several factors explained differences in the use of techniques regionally and within the households; On the macro (regional) level, use of techniques of production appear to be related to the climate and settlement density. Zones with wetter climates and higher settlement density are 7more than zones with drier climates and lower settlement density. On the micro (household) level, female- headed and extended households appear to be more adoptive than male headed and nuclear households. Decision making structure also seems to be closely related to use of improved techniques. Households where women are the main decision-makers appear to be more receptive to improved techniques than households where men are the main decision- makers. Land size, off-farm employment, farm income and age of settlement have a negative relationship to adoption of improved techniques. From the results of the present study. it appears that women are not only the main holders of power in decision- making in ASAL but also the most effective users of appropriate techniques of production. They thus appear to be the most appropriate target group responsible for the management of the fragile ecological system .en
dc.titleHousehold structure, decision making and technical change in small holder farms of Laikipia District, Kenyaen
local.publisherDepartment of sociologyen

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