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dc.contributor.authorOrege-Opili, Veronica
dc.description.abstractThe study's main objective was to investigate the existing problems at the Mwea Irrigation Scheme that contributer to the farmers violent severing of their links with the National Irrigation Board. The study therefore hypothesized that the single - buyer and the topdown administrative policies, adopted by the National Irrigation Board, and the insecurity of tenure at the Mwea Irrigation Scheme, did contribute to the boycott by the Mwea farmers. The study also sought to establish any other factors that may have contributed to the boycott by the Mwea farmers. A total of 150 farmers were interviewed in a survey with the questionnaire as the main tool of data gathering. In addition in depth interviews were used to gather information. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study found that the leasehold land tenure system in operation at the Mwea Irrigation Scheme is highly inappropriate and many a farmer would prefer freehold land tenure system backed by a title deed. It was found that apart from being assured of security of tenure, possession of a title deed would enable the farmers to borrow from the banks using the title deeds as collateral security thereby enabling farmers to diversify their activities. Another important finding of the study is that the single buyer policy employed by National Irrigation Board was very inappropriate. It was found that as a result of the said policy, farmers were paid very low prices for their paddy, as they were not allowed to sell their paddy to whoever offered the highest price. It was also found that because the NIB was the sole buyer of all paddy produced by the Mwea farmers, farmers were allowed to retain only 12 bags of paddy for domestic consumption. This was found to be insufficient as many farmers have large families. One major finding of the study was tiat the top-down administrative policy employed by the NIB, was ve~y inappropriate. This policy, it was found, denied the farmers a chance to participate in decision - making. Another major finding of the study, which is closely tied to the issue of administration, was that the relationship between the farmers and the National Irrigation Board staff was very strained. It was found that the harsh rules, spelt out in the Irrigation Act, which the farmers had to abide to, together with the top - down administrative policy that left the farmers with little or no say in the running of the scheme, gave rise to this strain in relationship. The study recommended government assistance in areas such as research and marketing. The government can also restrict the importation or poor quality rice to protect domestic consumers. It is also reconunended that the government reviews the issue of issuance of title deeds to the Mwea Irrigation Scheme farmers. To the fanners, it is reconunended that they layout and follow strict guidelines as the survival of the scheme is in their hands. OveraU, there is more need for government assistance to the Mwea Irrigation Scheme Farmersen
dc.description.sponsorshipThe University of Nairobien
dc.subjectSmall-holder farmersen
dc.subjectliberalized market economyen
dc.subjectMwea irrigation scheme farmers.en
dc.titleSmall-holder Farmers Against the State in a Liberalized Market Economy: a Case Study of the Boycott by Mwea Irrigation Schemeen
local.publisherUniversity of Nairobi,en

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