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dc.contributor.authorMwangi, Mboganie A.
dc.identifier.citationMaster of science degree in applied human nutritionen
dc.description.abstractThis research was undertaken in May to November. 1991. The main purpose of the survey was to obtain a comprehensive account of fertility and child mortality statistics in a rural area. This investigation provides useful information to the ministry of health and non-governmental organizations in planning and targeting their services i.e. health and family planning. It also provides information to the local government on the extent to which vital events are being reported in rural areas. Women aged 15 years or more were randomly sampled from six villages. Their reproductive life history was reviewed on a year to year basis in terms of pregnancies and their outcomes. The main findings were that fertility (9.1 livebirths per woman who has lived past her reproductive period) was higher than national and provincial estimates and has been increasing over the years. Most women drop out of school at upper primary school level and opt for marriage at a very early age. Only 14% of the women had ever used modern contraceptives. Infant mortality of 23.4 and an underfi ve mortality of 4l.6 per 1000 livebirths were both low compared to the provincial estimates. The registration of births and child deaths was poor and the main factors associated with deaths were not deduced as both reported and recorded child deaths were few and death certificates were non-existent. The results suggest the need for evaluation of family planning services. education on the consequences of large family sizes. education on the use of contraceptives and emphasis on female education within the area. To ensure a wider coverage on registration of child births and deaths. the local government should make use of village leadsmen and traditional birth attendants for reporting in the event of any child birth or deathen
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleFertility, early child mortality and rate of reporting of child births and deaths in Sigor division, Kericho - Kenyaen
local.publisherDepartment of Food and Nutrition Technologyen

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