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dc.contributor.authorOuko, F. O
dc.identifier.citationA Management Research Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA), School Of Business, University Of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractThe primary objectives of this study was to determine whether the choice criteria used by purchasing agents to select supplier s varies with the type of product and the type of +industry . The industries of concern were food processing engineering and chemicals while the products of concern were consumable supplies and processed materials. Through the use of factor analysis the t nt e r r e l at i on s h t p s among the 1a r 9e Nurnber 0 fat tribute s was examined so as t 0 a c h -j eve a smaller set of attributes which might be more d~~le. The relationship between the industries was examined throguh the use of ran kin 9 s by the i n du s t r -i e san d 9 rap hie alp res en tat -i0n 01' the mean attribute importance. The findings f r orn the analyses led to the conclusion that the at t rib ute s CO) -i de e dim p0 r tan t wi 11 v a r y w i Ul the t y pe 0 pro due t " and t: he t Yl-H:~ 0 f -j ndust r y , A similarity in the general trond of -- the r e l s ive t mpo r t nee 0 the attributes 'Vas observed b et we en the industries in some cases. The observations of this study should be interpreted in con s -j de rat ion 0 f the 1 i mit at ion s 0 f the s t u d Y , s pee i fie allyen
dc.titleAn investigation of the attributes considered important in the purchase of different industrial products.en
local.publisherBusiness Administrationen

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