Effect of medium components on in vitro plant regeneration of African violets Saintpaulia Ionantha Wendl.,).
African violets are routinely
cuttings. In vi t.ro regeneration of
by leaf
has been
demonstr-ated in several crop species African
violets. Opt imal in vit.ro cu Iture conelitions for Afr ican
violets shoot regeneration were investigated.
Su.crose, glucose and fructose were found to be
satis£actor-y sources of sugar in in vitro culture and plant
regene:r;ation of African violets but lactose inhibited the
establishment of explants and their morphogenesis. The best
sugar was sucrose for the purple blue clone but fructose and
glucose promoted the highest number of shoots in the wh i te
clone. Adventitious shoot formation inC'>:'8r:t:w3heedn sucrose
concentration was incr-eased from 1 to 3 % but further incr-ease
to 5 and 7 % resulted in reduction of shoot regeneration. High
concentr-ation of sucrose tended to promote r-oot formation and
also had inhibitory effects on growth of the few r-egener-ated
1orphogenic responses prior to shoot formation such as
tissue thickening, expansion of leaf exp lant e and nodule
for-mation were qu i te sim ilar in the purple b 11.18 arid wh i.te
clones of African violets. Regeneration of either or both
shoots and roots were apparent within 22 days after explant
cul ture _ The best results in terms of adventitious shoot
formation were obtained with the use of full strength of
ni trogen in MS medium for the purple blue clone and half
strength of nitrogen for the white cLone . Lowering the
concentrations of NO-3 and NH+4 ions resulted in the reduction
of shoot and root formation for the purple blue c Lorie .
Similar results were obtained for the white clone when
concentration of ni trogen was reduced below half strength _ The
• number of shoots. obtained per explant significantly decreased
by decreasing the concentration of nitrogen in MS medium.
African violets had an obligatory requirement for inorganic
nitrogen (NO-3 and NH+4) because leaf tissues died on medil~
containing organic nitrogen source in form of urea.
Shoot regeneration was higher for the white clone than
the purple blue one at the different MS medium pH. Itwas
evident the t rhizogenesis was generally higher in the whi te
clone than in the purple blue one. The number of shoots
obtained per explant were significantly affected by the pH of
the medium.
Culture medium with L.\)mg-~ NAA and 2 _Omg-1 BAP ,,"CiS
found to be optimal for shoot regeneration of African violets.
There was no shoot formation in a medium without cytokinin Cind
an increase in auxin (NAA) concentration resulted in promotion
of root formation. Shoot regeneration w~s found to occur on
the surface of leaf expLants without an intermediate callus
Wahome, P.K(1991). Effect of medium componentson in vitro plant regeneration of African violets Saintpaulia Ionantha Wendl.,).Sponsorhip
University of NairobiPublisher
Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi
Msc- Thesis