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dc.contributor.authorGumato, Ukur
dc.identifier.citationMasters thesis University of Nairobi (2003)en
dc.descriptionDegree of Masters in Business Administrationen
dc.description.abstractFew studies have examined job satisfaction and empowerment. The primary purpose of this project is to establish whether there is a relationship between job satisfaction and empowerment of employees in commercial banks. The population of interest in the study consisted of two categories of staff, in the commercial banks i.e. the managers and non-mangers. Data was obtained by means of survey questionnaire that was issued to two managers and three non-managers of commercial banks in Nairobi. The drop and pick method was used to collect the questionnaires. Ten banks were chosen from the list of 48 and a total of 40 questionnaires were filled and returned. The response rate was 80% (40/50). The data was analysed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. It was found out that majority of the employees were satisfied with their jobs (72%) and 56% are empowered .It was also evident that those who are satisfied derived their satisfaction from being empowered. This means commercial banks are doing all they can to empower and consequently satisfy their empleyees. For them to achieve maximum results they need to train their employees on the skill relating to their jobs. Recommendations for the research are for the bank management to enforce factors that enhance empowerment and job satisfaction and to review policies relating to creating human resource department in the banks.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi.en
dc.titleSurvey Of The Relationshp Between The Percieved Empowerment And Job Satisfaction Of Employees In Comercial Banks In Nairobien
local.publisherSchool of Businessen

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