Front office Hotel Management Information System (FOHMIS) Sirikwa hotel
Services offered by the hotel include accommodation, hiring halls, laundry, and
recreationamong others. Efficiencyof these servicesdepends on easinessand speed of
executingthe transactions and accuracyof result.
The project report details the input, processing and output of manual system. In this
system data is captured on forms, processed by employee to produce information on
output forms. This output forms are limited in scope and the process of redesigning
them take a long time. It is therefore necessary to shift from this manual system to
automated system.
The development of the new system involved various stages, which included feasibility
study, requirement analysis, design, and implementation of computer based Front
Office Hotel Management Information System. The main objective is to automate the
various manual transactions to enhance efficiency in service delivery. The automated
system follows modular design where each module represents the activities undertaken
in each department. The modules are integrated into a comprehensive Front Office
Hotel Management Information System.
The automated system is meant to achieve the objective outlined in the report. The
system obtains data from various transactions, processand output desired information.
School of Computing and Informatics