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dc.contributor.authorCaroli, Mukunga N
dc.identifier.citationA Management Research Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA), School Of Business, University Of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractAn organization's HRM policies and practices must fit with its strategy in its competitive environment and with the immediate business conditions that it faces (Beer et aI., 1984, p. 25). The concept of integration has three aspects: the linking of HR policies and practices with the strategic management process of the organization, the internalization of the importance of HR on the part of line managers, and the integration of the workforce into the organization to foster commitment or an 'identity of interest' with the strategic goals. Strategic HRM can be regarded as a general approach to the strategic management of human resources in accordance with the intentions of the organisation in terms of the future direction it wants to take. It is concerned with longer-term people issues and macro concerns about structure, quality, culture, values, commitment and matching resources to future need. It has been defined as: All those activities affecting the behaviour of individuals in their efforts to formulate and implement the strategic needs of business; the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable the forms to achieve its goals (Boxall and Purcell, 2003). The hotel industry has gone through turbulent times in the last two decades (Matanda, 2005). He further asserts that the "close relationship between the hotel sector and the turbulent tourism sector helps explain the turbulent environment that the hotels operate in". Given the increased dynamism in the business environment, a hotel's response to management of these changes will be vital to their success. They have to put in place new practices to be able to maintain their competitive advantage. Aosa (2004) noted that the basics of managerial work are similar all over the world. However, he asserts that management is sensitive to context in which the firm is operating, either environmental or organizational. A survey research design was used. This design was suitable for the objectives of the study which require data from a cross section of firms in the industry. The population of interest included all classified hotels in Nairobi and Mombasa which were awarded a three star and above because of their strategic position as centres of tourist attraction. The viii selection of the three star hotels and above was deemed appropriate because such hotels have developed management capabilities and continue to deploy resources to meet the needs of the changing environment. The choice of the Nairobi and Mombassa hotels was because these two locations are strategically located and represent a complete experience of Kenya's hotel industry namely business and leisure. They are likely to set the pace in virtually all issues that may affect the industry. Data collection was done through self administered questionnaires with closed and open-ended questions. The closed ended questions enabled the researcher to collect qualitative data while open-ended questions gave the respondent to collect qualitative data. The respondents were the members of staff within the hotels. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. This involved the use of frequency tables, percentages, rank ordering, and means scores. Frequency tables were used for arraying data obtained to facilitate working out percentages in order to partly address the first objective of the study. Percentages revealed the proportions of different attributes being studied for relative comparison. Rank ordering helped the researcher to rank different attributes/variables in the order of their representation to partly address both objectives of the study. A summary of the major findings was then done and the author came up with conclusion as regards the findings. The research questions were answered and appropriate recommendations put forth. The author has also sited recommendations for future research to add onto the existing pool of knowledgeen
dc.titleStrategic human resources management practices among classified hotels in Kenyaen
local.publisherBusiness Administrationen

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