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dc.contributor.authorKwered, EM
dc.identifier.citationDegree of Masters of Science in App!ied Human Nutrition.en
dc.descriptionA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Master of Science in Applied Human Nutritionen
dc.description.abstractThe prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in Bugwere, a rural farming community In Tororo District, Eastern Uganda, was established. Also the relationship between household size, household dependency t. i o , n urn b e r of r e m a l e s aged 8 to 64 years, per household, landholding and child nutritional status in t h'e area were determined. A cross-section3-1 survey was conducted t ro m January to May 1987. Data \012re col lected by inter- viewing parents a n d taking anthropornetric me a s u r eme n t s o f , 502 children of age 5-59 months. lIsing standard tee h n icue s. as des c rib e d by Jelliffe (196S). The prevalence of PEM was quite 10\01; 27.1% of the sampled chi lclren fei for-age. 21.0% below 90% of the s t a nd a rd height-for-age. and 1.2% below 80% of the standard weight-for-height. There was no sienificant ().GS) association between the child's nutritional status and household size. dependency ratio, number of females in the household of age 8 to 64 years, and the total amount of land a v a i la b le to the household. The study provides lo c a l area-specific in f o rm a t io n on the current nature of PEM in Tororo district.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleRelationship between household size, dependency ratio, landholding and child nutritional status in Bugwere, Ugandaen
local.publisherDepartment of Human Nutritionen

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