The variance function of the difference and the difference of the variance functions between two estimated responses for a fourth order rotatable design in two dimensions
In this paper the variance function of the difference and the difference of the variance
functions between two estimated responses for a fourth order design at any two points in
the factor space is developed. In particular, the variance function is considered in two
dimensions when the design used is rotatable. The variance function in this situation is a
function of the distances of the points from the origin of the design and the angle
subtending .the points at the origin. Variance functions of these two approaches are
discussed in detail and compared when the two points are equidistant from the origin of the design. The criterion for the choice of an optimal design is given
Master of science degree in statisticsSponsorhip
University of NairobiPublisher
College of biological and physical sciences school of mathematics
Response SurfaceRotatable designs
Fourth order rotatable designs
Variance function for Response surface designs