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dc.contributor.authorKamau, JBCL
dc.identifier.citationMaster of Science in Land and Water Managementen
dc.description.abstractFarmers develop irrigation facil ities to ensure that the demands of their crop water requirements are satisfied. By doing this, they anticipate to enhance their net farm incomes and to safeguard themselves from the risks and uncertainities of the weather. This study was conducted viability of Smallholder, farms, that are privately Kiambu district. to evaluate the financial pumped, splinkler irrigation operated by individuals, in Investment, operating and production data were collected from a purposive sample of 34 irrigation and 14 rainfed farmers. This data was used to develop six representative irrigation farm models based on the cropping pattern, agro-ecological zone, type of prime mover and the net irrigated area. The "With" and "Without" irrigation project approach of financial analysis was adopted. The discounted measures of project worth were used to evaluate the financial viability of the irrigation farms. The results obtained showed that individually operated, private, smallholder, pumped sprinkler irrigation farms, in Kiambu District were financially viable. However, the availabiIity of marketing and transport infrastructure was a major factor that influenced the farmers' incremental net benefit.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleFinancial evaluation of private smallholder pumped irrigation projects in Kiambu district, Kenya.en
local.publisherDepartment of Agricul tural Engineeringen

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