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dc.contributor.authorMaithya, P N
dc.descriptionB.A. (Land Economics) Degreeen
dc.description.abstractSince Ebeneger Howard's Garden City Concept housing estate has been punctuated trees, a pattern that landscape architects say portrays an art of relationship whose objective has been to give forth a healthy and pleasant environment. However, under certain conditions, this has not always been the case. Trees, as the researcher has established in his study. have directly and indirectly caused or accentuated building maintenance problems. The research methodology pursued involved field visits and visual observation, review of related literature and interview with the Students Welfare Authority maintenance personnel and some authorities in botanical studies. The data' collected has been presented in essay form, tables and photographs It has been analysed, conclusions drawn feasibility recommendations madeen
dc.titleBuilding maintenance problems caused by trees: a case study Of buildings managed by Nairobi University SWAen
local.publisherDepartment of Land Development , University of Nairobi.en

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