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dc.contributor.authorMutegi, Enid W
dc.identifier.citationM.Ed (Education Foundation)en
dc.descriptionM.Ed Thesisen
dc.description.abstractThe research was carried out in Magumoni Division of Meru-South District Eastern Province in Kenya. Its purpose was to examine the determinants of gender disparities in adult literacy classes. The study adopted simple random survey design to collect accurate data through the use of questionnaire and also interview schedule. The research was conducted using an ex-post-facto research design which is mainly used when data is being classified by major sub-groups of the population. Four research questions were formulated to assist in the development of research instruments. Four questionnaires were developed as the data collection instruments and a pilot study was conducted to establish the validity of the research instruments. The specific objective of the study were to find out whether the following factors influenced gender disparities in adult literacy classes, first variable was to investigate the effect of gender based discrimination, the effects of government policies, effect of learning environment,. teaching and cultural background .The target population of seventy six respondents was expected in division. Out of that target population the actual response was sixty four respondents representing 84%. In addition four adult education centers were sampled and their teachers were also interviewed to support the information obtained from the respondents. The major findings of the study were that gender-based discrimination was mainly due to poor government policies, bad learning environment, unequipped teachers, environment and general lack of support across the board. However, the study established that gender disparities should be looked at. The Department of Adult Education should provide the literacy centres with facilities that will cater for the adult learners to stop gender disparities, more male teachers should be employed in order to attract men to join adult literacy class. The study established that gender disparities should be looked at. Men separated with women for learning of men to take place. The study established that there were more female learners than their male counter parts. The study also established that Age factor also played a factor towards disparities. Another finding was that stigmatization and language barrier played a big role towards gender disparities. However, most learners claimed to have benefited from the programme despite the chaIIenges faced and strongly posed that they still attend adult literacy classes. However most adult learners claimed to have benefited from the programme despite the chaIIenges they faced.en
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleDeterminant of gender disparities in adult literacy classes in kenya. A case study of Magumoni division, Meru- south districten
local.publisherSchool of Education and External Studies, University of Nairobien

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