On the Minimal Resolution Conjecture for P3
The Minimal Resolution Conjecture that was formulated by
A Lorenzini [2] has been shown to hold true for P2, P3 [3] they made use
of Quadrics, here we tackle the P3 case but making use of variant methods
i.e. mainly the method of Horace (m`ethode d’Horace) to evaluate sections
of fibres at given points. This was introduced by A Hirschowitz in 1984 in
a letter he wrote to R Hartshorne. For a general set of points P1, . . . , Pm ∈
P3, for a positive integer m, we show that the map H0 P3,ΩP3 (d + 1) −→
i=1 ΩP3 (d + 1)|Pi is of maximal rank.
Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 3, 2008, no. 33, 1643 - 1655Publisher
Univesity of Nairobi School of Mathematics
- Faculty of Education (FEd) [1040]