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dc.contributor.authorGhebrecristos, Asghedet
dc.identifier.citationMaster of Bussiness Administrationen
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper was to investigate how trainlng methods and techniques were practlced In maintaining productive employee in an org&nlzatlon. Commercial Bank of Africa Limited Nalrobi, Kenya was taKen as a case study. Through an administred questionnaire the research investlgated, what methodologies were used in designing training programmes, selecting training methods to be conducted in the organization, how trainees were selected, and methods of evaluatin~ training programmes in order to be able to judge whether or not it was worthwhile in us~ng them. The study further investigated training activities used and expenses provided for training programmes from 1978-August, 1983. On the basis of the data gathered the research found out that the scope of training in the organization is improving with a wide variety of trainlng programmes. On the other hand it has boen found out that, the organi­ zation has a problem of time in rele~sing its employees to participate fully in the training programmes. Qualitative analysis has been made as compared to the literature review~ Generally, in the analysis, it has been identified areas where performance for achieving a better result can be imprOVed. To overcome the proble­ of time which the organization face, an open discussion with the management to budget their tlme in providing a special calander for tralning programme is recommended.en
dc.publisherUnivesity of Nairobien
dc.titleTraining Methods and Techniques in an Organization a Case Study of the Commercial Bank of Africa Limited,nairobi, Kenyaen
local.publisherSchool of Bussinessen

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