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dc.contributor.authorNzomo, Consolata
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleGender Discrimination and Inequality: a Look Into Female Work Roles in Kenyaen
dc.typeThesisen discrimination and in equality is a subject that h%been discussed for a long time. This subject has also held a lof of interest but hardly any measures or steps seem to be taken about it. Many seminars and conferences are held by taking ^lot of time and money to organize. In the process,the woman who suffers^who feels the weight of it all is forgotten and this is the rural woman. My research took me to many places and I had a chance to be with the rural woman and also the urban woman. In many cases, women suffered a dual burden of house keeping which includes cleaning and cooking and not forgetting taking care of children and salaried work. Society also has a lot of wrong assumptions about women’s work. Men agreed and said that women’s work was natural and fo do it was going agailist nature. They seemed to find women’s work easy as non-work and thus women should not be tired doing it. A number of scholars have also tried to explain why men and women are different, why men and women should do different kinds of work but whatever the case^women still remain marginalised and discriminated against. It is a high time governments and private organizations did something to alleviate this problem. Women comprise a large part of the population and with their marginalisation, there is bound to be very little development. In precolonial Kenya, duties were shared and it was not odd to find a duty done by both men and women with no reservations. This has changed with the monetary economy thus coating a marginal class of individuals mainly women.
local.publisherInstitute of African Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Nairobien

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