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dc.contributor.authorGathuma, JM
dc.contributor.authorMakau, BF
dc.identifier.citationGathuma, J.M. and Makau, B.F. Comparative Analysis of Veterinary Drugs Delivery Mechanisms in the Arid Lands of Kenya.Publishers: The House of Hedges, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 9966-9666-2-5.Year 2005. 113pp. Copy Right : Arid Lands Resource Management Project (2005). Righten
dc.description.abstractAs in other remote, inaccessible pastoral areas of the world, access to quality drugs in a timely and affordable manner remains a major problem in the ASAL areas of Kenya. Several drug delivery mechanisms have been tried by different organisations, but it appears none of them has proved to be satisfactory. This study was therefore launched to carry out a comparative analysis of the different models of running the drug stores, their strengths and limitations, compare their effectiveness and sustainability and provide guidelines for subsequent implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the different delivery systems to ensure effectiveness and value to the pastoral communities. The findings and conclusions in this report are based on observations and interviews with stakeholders and key informants in Nairobi as well as in all the 11 arid districts and one semi- arid district (West Pokot)en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleComparative analysis of veterinary drugs delivery mechanisms in the arid lands of Kenyaen
local.publisherDepartment of Veterinary Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi.en

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