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dc.contributor.authorOdinga, Elias O
dc.identifier.citationOdongo,E.O.,2012,Challenges Facing Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises Owned By Women In Kakamega Municipality.en
dc.description.abstractThis research report is about challenges facing growth of small and medium enterprises(SMEs) owned by women in kakamega municipality of kakamega count.Most women in the SMEs are the sole bread winners of their families,having lost their husbands to either HIV/AIDS pandemic,drinking related illnesses or political violence.This leaves them with an uphill task of solely bringing up their families which are usually large.Kakamega County is located 410km North West of kenyas capital,Nairobi.being a provincial headquarters with a peri-urban population,most people rely on small and medium enterprises as the alternative mode of subsistence..The area of the study was kakamega municipality in Kakamega County in western province.This research was guided by five core objectives : to investigate whether technology influences the growth of SMEs owned by women in Kakamega municipality of kakamega county;to asses how access to finance by women owned enterprises influences growth of SMEs owned by women in Kakamega Municipality;to establish whether demographic factors affect growth of smes owned by women in kakamega Municipality;to find out how socio-cultural factors affect growth of SMEs owned by women in kakamega Municipality;to find out how infrastructure influences th growth of SMEs owned by women in Kakamega Municipaliy.The sample size consisted of 85 women owned SMEs drawn from a total population of 600 registered and licenced by the kakamega Municipal Council which is solely responsible for issuance of legal operation status of businesses within its jurisdiction.the respondents were selected using simple random sampling.questionnaires and interview schedules were used as research instruments.on validity of intsruments,the researcher used content validy.The study findings revealed that access to finance and credit facilities hugely affected the growth of women owned SMEs within Kakamega Municipality.Lack of or insufficient capital for expansion led to collapse of many businesses,Poor infrastructure like bad and dilapidated road networks greatly impacted negatively on the growth of the women owned SMEs due to delays in delivery,high cost of transport.This made some women to relocate to central easily accessible places thus losing their former clientelle base,Socio-cultural factors had no much impact on the growth of the women owned SMEs due to modernity and diversity of our culture,Demographic characteristics had bigger influence on the growth of businesses owned by women.the study has revealed that education largely influenced growth of the women owned SMEs in kakamega municplaity.married women also appeared to have steady businesses as compared to single ,wodowed and divorced women.this showed that family stability affected the growth of the businesses,Modern technology has largely resulted in easier management of the businesses owned by women,which inturn has led to their growth.The study has etablished that use of mobile phones largely led to growth of many enterprises as it makes communication easy,it also makes monitoring of various business processes less cumbersome.the mobile phone money transfer also made it easier to pay debts to suppliers far away without having to meet physically.The recommendetations made were mainly targeted at the government and they were:The governemnt should adopt a clear and less sophisticated loaning policy o uplift women entreprenuers and fully implement the Women enterprise funds in the ministry of youth and sports,There should be identification of lucrative business ideas and proposed to women through various initiatives rolled out across the country to enable women to see entrepreneurship as a source of employment and not a last resort means after failing to secure formal employment,The central government should mobilise funds toward the development and upgrade of infrastructure especially road networks which are dilapidated and sometimes inaccesible during bad weather,Women should actively stand up and take their position in the male dominated world to compete equally.this should be done through a national campaing taken to the county level where women should be actively encouraged and given incentives to take up business challenges,Commercial banks and other micro finance institutions should come up with an attractive package for women who involve in business.this should have friendlier terms of interest rates and repayment period.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleChallenges facing growth of small and medium enterprises owned by women in Kakamega Municipalityen
local.publisherCollege of Education and External Studiesen

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