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dc.contributor.authorMathai, LW
dc.contributor.authorKihurani, D
dc.identifier.citationMathai LW, Kihurani D. The Diagnosis Of Bladder Calculus with emphasis on Ultrasonography in a dog: A Case Report. Nairobi: University of Nairobi; 2013.en
dc.description.abstractA 10kg, 5 year old dachshund bitch (case no 36181) was presented to the Universit y of Nairobi Small Animal Clinic (UON, SAC) with a history of hematuria. The patient was mildly dehydrated and dull. Palpation of the ventral abdomen elicited discomfort. Observatio n at micturition revealed that blood was voided at the end of micturition . Hematological examination showed presence of cytoplasmic morulae of Ehrlichia Phagocytophilum . Lateral and ventro - dorsal r adiographic view s revealed presence of a bladder calculus . Ultrasound examination showed presence of a hyp er - echoic mass which cast a clear acoustic shadow distal to it located in the bladder. The calculus measured about 2.5cm horizontal diameter and 1cm vertical diameter. The urine appeared anechoic with no debris and the bladder wall measured 0.2mm thickness . The calc u l us was removed by a cystotomy procedureen
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleThe Diagnosis Of Bladder Calculus With Emphasis On Ultrasonography In A Dog: A Case Reporten
local.publisherSchool of medicineen

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