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dc.contributor.authorUniversity Of Nairobi
dc.description.abstractThe University of Nairobi was the main beneficiary by getting over Kshs 2.3 Million to support its needy students. The Rattansi Educational Trust has donated Kshs 12,466,890.00 as bursaries to support needy students in higher learning institutions. The donations were made by the Trust’s Chairperson, Mrs Vijoo Rattansi in a function at the University of Nairobi and attended by representatives of public and private institutions of higher learning. While issuing cheques to the institutions, Mrs Rattansi pledged that her Trust will continue supporting higher education in the country by financing the needy students. Annually, many institutions of higher learning in Kenya receive bursaries for needy students from the Rattansi Educational Trust, a role it has played in the country for 56 years. The Trust aims at contributing to the development of the country through investing in young people and eradicating poverty by funding the education of needy students. While receiving cheques on behalf of the University of Nairobi, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. George Magoha, thanked Mrs Rattansi for the support she has been extending to higher learning institutions over the years and challenged many Kenyans to follow her example. Representatives drawn from the 17 universities and colleges in Kenya were represented during the function.en_US
dc.titleNeedy students to benefit from Rattansi bursariesen_US

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