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dc.contributor.authorUniversity of Nairobi
dc.description.abstractThe University of Nairobi has signed a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU). The allowances which were successfully negotiated include: house to office allowance; dental and optical allowance; leave travelling allowance and demise in office allowance. The monthly car allowance will increase to KES 13,000.00 up from KES 10,000.00 while commuter allowance has increased from KES 7,500.00 to KES 10,000.00, dental and optical allowances rose to KES 24,000.00 per year up from KES 18,000 while leave travelling allowance went up by 30 percent. The demise in service allowance went up by the same percentage. The implementation date for transport allowance is 1st April 2012 while other allowances are effective from October 1, 2013. The CBA covers terms and conditions of service for the period 2010/12 and 2012/13. The implementation of the CBA is subject to approval by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). The CBA was signed on behalf of the University of Nairobi Council by Prof. Peter M. F. Mbithi, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration and Finance and for KUSU by the Secretary General, Dr. Charles Mukhwaya who led other union officials. Speaking during the signing ceremony, Prof. Mbithi thanked the Union for agreeing to have the CBA concluded and expressed optimism that staff morale will be boosted. KUSU Secretary General, Dr. Charles Mukhwaya declared it a win-win situation after lengthy but fruitful negotiations with the management. He thanked the administration for allocating resources to promote staff welfare by signing the new CBA and appealed to them to fast track future CBA’s. The CBA affects all non-teaching staff in grades V to XIV.en_US
dc.titleUoN signs a collective agreement with non teaching staff unionen_US

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