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dc.contributor.authorUniversity of Nairobi
dc.description.abstractThe University of Nairobi has embarked on sensitizing its community on the contents of the Constitution. The University’s Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) on the Implementation of the Constitution and public service integrity initiative targets staff, students and alumni. The first forum targeting the top organs of the University: the Council, the University Management Board and Senate, was held on September 3rd, 2013. The participants were taken through various topics by different speakers. Some of the areas covered include the overview and objects of the Constitution, leadership and integrity service, constitution and nation building, structure of Government, devolution and public finance and land and natural resources. While making his presentation on the progress of the Constitution implementation, guest speaker, Mr. Charles Nyachae, commended the University for taking a lead role in providing leadership in sensitization and interrogation of the document. Mr. Nyachae is the Chairman of the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC). The Chairman of Council, Dr. Idle Farah pledged the Council’s support to ensure the University fully sensitizes staff and students on the document and takes a clear leadership role in spearheading and embracing public sector reforms. Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George Magoha, said that at the end of the 100-day cycle of the programme, it is expected that the University will have an enlightened management, ready to embrace and own the Constitution, while entrenching on integrity in public service. He noted that the programme has come at the backdrop of the successful implementation of the new Universities Act, in which the University was awarded a new charter. Others who spoke during the forum include the Rapid Results Leader also the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration and Finance, Prof. Peter Mbithi made a presentation on the objectives of the programme, Prof. Jane Onsongo, Vice-Chairperson, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) who took the participants through the expectations by the Commission on leadership and integrity for senior management. Others who made key presentations included Prof. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Dean, School of Law, Justice Nancy Barasa, Prof. Ben Sihanya, Dr. Adams Oloo, Prof. Maria Nzomo among others. Herein are the presentations: Constitution and nation-building presentation Devolution and public finance Land and Natural Resources Normative and Structural Issues in the CoK, 2010 The Constitution threshold for public service and leadership in Kenya The structure of the government in the Constitution of Kenyaen_US
dc.titlePhase II of RRI kicks off with sensitization of top management organs on the Constitutionen_US

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