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dc.contributor.authorAsiiwe, MG
dc.contributor.authorOtiti, T
dc.contributor.authorMwabora, JM
dc.description.abstractThis research is an experimental design which came up with the opticaJ and electrical properties of magnesium eloped zinc oxide foi; photovoltaic applications. The specific objectives are to determine the Optical properties, and electrical properties of Magnesium doped ZnO of Magnesium doped ZnO. These' objectives are to be achieved by sputtering three types of targets on to gl3,~s slides The Targets that will be used are (\\0 targets of magnesium doped ZnO with compositions of ZnO: lvlg being 9~,.~ \Vt~/o 311d 90: J 0 wtO··O.both wuh J purity of 99.99% and 3 t'~ird target of undopcd ZnO with 3 PllJir~ of 99 Q9°·(, . Tilt: optical properties will beaetermined using a doubie beam s~~(trophotoJljeter in rhe t·\' ,'JS/NIR regions Thus the absorption. transmission and reflection properties will be focused on. The e lecuic al properties will be determined using four point probe and the film re s istanc e , sheet resist:lllce :llld film c onduct ivuven_US
dc.titleOptical and Electrical Properties of Magnesium Doped Zinc Oxide for Photovolraic Applicationsen_US

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