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dc.contributor.authorMbugua, Faith W
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to examine the effects of peace education on coexistence among pupils after the 200712008 post-election violence in public primary schools in Korogocho slums, Nairobi County, Kenya. To achieve this, four research questions of the study on establishment. of the peace education, factors that influence tribal animosity, strategies for building up co-existence and challenges facing implementation of peace education curriculum in public primary schools were formulated. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to establish the effects of peace education on co-existence among pupils after the 200712008 post-election violence in public primary school. The study targeted 75 teachers and 4000 pupils out of which a sample of 12 teachers and 200 pupils were selected for the study. Data was collected using questionnaires for teachers and pupils and an interview schedule for head teachers, coded and classified into major themes from which a summary report was made. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics supported by graphs, tables, frequency distributions and percentages. Data analyzed formed the basis for the research findings, conclusions and recommendations for the study. The study found that peace education was established to captivate the youth into nation building and to cultivate into them national values as opposed to ethnic values. Majority of teachers (75.0%) indicated that it empowers learners with problem solving skills while (50.0%) indicated that peace education enables learners to acquire skills and attitudes to foster peaceful co-existence On the influence of tribal animosity on co-existence among pupils in Korogocho slums, all (100.0%) of the interviewed head teachers indicated that the education of learners was directly or indirectly haunted by actual or potential ethnic conflicts. The teachers indicated that colonial legacy (20.0%), scarcity / unequal distribution of resources (15.0 %), poor leadership (24.0%) and land alienation (12.5 %) as the causes of ethnic conflicts. The study found out that key challenges to the implementation of peace curriculum included lack of enough time in the school programme (5.0.0%), not giving peace education priority given to other core subjects (91. 7%), lack of support from head teachers, lack of consistence in delivery (50.0%) and time of curriculum and attitudes of learners, teachers and administrators (58.3%). The study recommended that School leaders and teachers are key role models. Their actions as advocates of peace education actors are critical to implementation of peace education. A collaboration of teachers, students, parents and the local community need to be part of the solution.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobi, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleEffects of peace education on coexistence among pupils after post-election violence (2007/2008) in public primary schools in Korogocho slums, Kenyaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThesis (M.ED)en_US

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