Now showing items 2601-2620 of 10387

    • An autopsy case of sudden unexplained death caused by malaria. 

      Menezes, RG; Kanchan, T; Rai, S; Jagadish Rao, PP; Naik, R; Suresh, K S B; Lobo, SW; Chauhan, A; Shetty, M; Mathai, AM (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2010)
      Sudden unexplained deaths, especially those unwitnessed can lead to forensic issues and would necessitate the need for a meticulous and complete postmortem examination including ancillary investigations to discover the ...
    • Neuronal hypertrophy and mast cells in histologically negative, clinically diagnosed acute appendicitis: a quantitative immunophenotypical analysis. 

      Amber, S; Mathai, AM; Naik, R; Pai, MR; Kumar, S; Prasad, K (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2010)
      INTRODUCTION AND AIM: In about 20-25% of appendicectomies performed for clinically suspected acute appendicitis, definite morphological changes are lacking on histopathological examination. The present study was done ...
    • A fetal autopsy case of body stalk anomaly. 

      Mathai, AM; Menezes, RG; Kumar, S; Pai, MR; Bhandary, A; Fitzhugh, VA (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2009)
      Body stalk anomaly (BSA) is a sporadic polymalformative syndrome incompatible with extrauterine life. In utero detection of BSA by two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging has ...
    • Pseudomembranous colitis in a pregnant woman. 

      Mridula, T; Pai, RR; Mathai, AM; Tanry, BV; Adhikari, P (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2010)
      Pseudomembranous colitis in association with pregnancy has not been well described in English literature. Recent studies show a drastic increase in the incidence and severity of Pseudomembranous colitis in pregnant women, ...
    • Postmortem diagnosis of acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis. 

      Shetty, BS; Boloor, A; Menezes, RG; Shetty, M; Menon, A; Nagesh, KR; Pai, MR; Mathai, AM; Rastogi, P; Kanchan, T; Naik, R; Salian, PR; Jain, V; George, AT (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2010)
      Forensic pathologists can help in the investigation of sudden unexpected deaths in co-operation with the officials responsible for the maintenance of law and order to administer justice. Sudden unexpected deaths form the ...
    • Drug use and abuse. 

      Owiti, FR (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 1999)
    • Psychiatric illness among juveniles and adolescents in Kenya. 

      Njenga, FG; Kangethe, RN (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2003)
    • Anorexia nervosa in Kenya 

      Njenga, FG; Kangethe, RN (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2004)
      BACKGROUND: Anorexia nervosa is a rare disorder in Africans, inspite of posing a serious public health hazard in the West. Whereas it is possible that African psychiatrists lack the skills to diagnose the disorder, other ...
    • Management pathway for congenital heart disease at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi 

      Awori, M N; Ogendo, S W; Gitome, S W; Ong'uti, S K; Obonyo, N G (Department of Surgery, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, 2007)
      BACKGROUND: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a significant cause of death amongst infants. The timing of treatment in relation to the natural history of the disease correlates with the treatment outcome. OBJECTIVES: ...
    • Prinzmetal's Angina in a Pregnant Woman: a Case Report. 

      Almassinokiani, F; Alebouyeh, MR; Entesari, F; Sezavar, Seyedi SH; Almasi, A; Akbari, H; Saidi, H; Homam, H. (University of Nairobischool of public health, 2012)
      Acute myocardial infarction (MI) during pregnancy is rare and MI due to Prinzmetal's angina is much rarer. We present a 35-year-old, obese, multigravida, and pre-eclamptic woman, who developed acute anterior wall MI at the ...
    • Osteitis of the fourth metatarsal caused by a date palm thorn in a child: why the dorsum of the foot is the most commonly injured site. 

      Madhar, M; Sammous, Y; Bouslous, J; Messaoudi, T; Chafik, R; Elhaoury, H; Saidi, H; Fikry, T. (University of Nairobischool of public health, 2013-01)
      The palms are frequent in the region of eastern Morocco. An insidious onset of a lytic lesion in the base of the fourth metatarsal caused by a date palm thorn in a 20-year-old patient is presented. An untreated embedded ...
    • Effects of atropine and propranolol on lung inflammation in experimental envenomation: comparison of two buthidae venoms. 

      Saidi, H; Adi-Bessalem, S; Hammoudi-Triki, D; Laraba-Djebari, F. (University of Nairobischool of public health, 2013-04)
      BACKGROUND: Previous works had shown that scorpion venom induced neurotransmitter elevation and an inflammatory response associated with various anatomo-pathological modifications. The most dangerous scorpions species ...
    • Herbal antioxidant in clinical practice: A review. 

      Alok, S; Jain, SK; Verma, A; Kumar, M; Mahor, A; Sabharwal, M (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2013)
      Antioxidant-the word itself is magic. Using the antioxidant concept as a spearhead in proposed mechanisms for staving off so-called "free-radical" reactions, the rush is on to mine claims for the latest and most effective ...
    • Evaluation of corneal biomechanical properties following penetrating keratoplasty using ocular response analyzer. 

      Murugesan, V; Bypareddy, R; Kumar, M; Tanuj, D; Anita, P (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2013)
      Purpose: To evaluate corneal biomechanical properties in eyes that has undergone penetrating keratoplasty (PK). Materials and Methods: Retrospective observational study in a tertiary care centre. Data recorded included ...
    • Dislocation of the elbow with ipsilateral forearm fracture. Six particular cases. 

      Madhar, M; Saidi, H; Fikry, T; Cermak, K; Moungondo, F; Schuind, F. (University of Nairobischool of public health, 2013-10)
      Elbow dislocation associated with ipsilateral radial shaft fracture is an infrequent injury (nine cases reported in the literature). We present six new cases observed between 2006 and 2012, with an average age of 31 years ...
    • Health financing reform in Kenya - assessing the social health insurance proposal. 

      Carrin, G; James, C; Adelhardt, M; Doetinchem, O; Eriki, P; Hassan, M; van den Hombergh, H; Kirigia, J; Koemm, B; Korte, R; Krech, R; Lankers, C; van Lente, J; Maina, T; Malonza, K; Mathauer, I; Okeyo, TM; Muchiri, S; Mumani, Z; Nganda, B; Nyikal, J; Onsongo, J; Rakuom, C; Schramm, B; Scheil-Adlung, X; Stierle, F; Whitaker, D; Zipperer, M (WHOCollege of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, 2007)
      Kenya has had a history of health financing policy changes since its independence in 1963. Recently, significant preparatory work was done on a new Social Health Insurance Law that, if accepted, would lead to universal ...
    • Ultrasound guided lumbar puncture in emergency department: Time saving and less complications. 

      Mofidi, M; Mohammadi, M; Saidi, H; Kianmehr, N; Ghasemi, A; Hafezimoghadam, P; Rezai, M. (University of Nairobischool of public health, 2013-04)
      BACKGROUND: Lumbar puncture (LP) is an essential procedure in the diagnosis and treatment of several critical situations. This procedure is routinely performed by palpating external landmarks to find the most appropriate ...
    • Solitary plasmacytoma of the mandible - a rare entity 

      Baad, R; Kapse, SC; Rathod, N; Sonawane, K; Thete, SG; Kumar, MN (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2013)
      Plasma cell dyscrasias (multiple myeloma, solitary plasmocytoma of bone and extra medullary plasmocytoma) are cha¬racterized by a monoclonal neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells of which Solitary plasmocytoma of bone ...
    • Efficacy of biodegradable curcumin nanoparticles in delaying cataract in diabetic rat model. 

      Grama, CN; Suryanarayana, P; Patil, MA; Raghu, G; Balakrishna, N; Kumar, MN; Reddy, GB (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2013)
      Curcumin, the active principle present in the yellow spice turmeric, has been shown to exhibit various pharmacological actions such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-carcinogenic activities. ...
    • Engineered reversal of drug resistance in cancer cells--metastases suppressor factors as change agents. 

      Yadav, VK; Kumar, A; Mann, A; Aggarwal, S; Kumar, M; Roy, SD; Pore, SK; Banerjee, R; Mahesh Kumar, J; Thakur, RK; Chowdhury, S (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2013)
      Building molecular correlates of drug resistance in cancer and exploiting them for therapeutic intervention remains a pressing clinical need. To identify factors that impact drug resistance herein we built a model that ...