Now showing items 2641-2660 of 10387

    • Reclassifying personality disorders. 

      Tyrer, P; Crawford, M; Mulder, R; ICD-11 Working Group for the Revision of Classification of Personality Disorders.; Ndetei, David M. (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2011-05)
    • The World Health Organization's cross-cultural study on neuropsychiatric aspects of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1). Preparation and pilot phase. 

      Maj, M; Janssen, R; Satz, P; Zaudig, M; Starace, F; Boor, D; Sughondhabirom, B; Bing, EG; Luabeya, MK; Ndetei, David M.; et al. (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 1991-09)
      The WHO launched a multicentre study to explore the nature and prevalence of HIV-1-associated neurological, psychiatric, and neuropsychological abnormalities in persons living in different geographical and sociocultural ...
    • WHO Neuropsychiatric AIDS study, cross-sectional phase I. Study design and psychiatric findings. 

      Maj, M; Janssen, R; Starace, F; Zaudig, M; Satz, P; Sughondhabirom, B; Luabeya, MA; Riedel, R; Ndetei, David M.; Calil, HM; et al. (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 1994-01)
      BACKGROUND: Most available studies on the psychiatric, neuropsychological, and neurological complications of HIV-1 infection and AIDS have been conducted in Western countries, on samples of well-educated, mostly white, ...
    • Assessment of maternal near-miss and quality of care in a hospital-based study in Accra, Ghana. 

      Tunçalp, O; Hindin, MJ; Adu-Bonsaffoh, K; Adanu, RM (University of NairobiShool of Medicine, 2013)
      OBJECTIVE: To assess the baseline incidence of maternal near-miss, process indicators related to facility access, and quality of care at a tertiary care facility in urban Ghana. METHODS: A prospective observational ...
    • WHO Neuropsychiatric AIDS study, cross-sectional phase II. Neuropsychological and neurological findings. 

      Maj, M; Satz, P; Janssen, R; Zaudig, M; Starace, F; D'Elia, L; Sughondhabirom, B; Mussa, M; Naber, D; Ndetei, David M.; et al. (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 1994-01)
      BACKGROUND: The neuropsychological and neurological complications of HIV-1 infection and AIDS were explored within the cross-sectional phase of the WHO Neuropsychiatric AIDS Study. Special attention was devoted to the ...
    • Unintended pregnancies and the use of maternal health services in southwestern Ethiopia. 

      Wado, YD; Afework, MF; Hindin, MJ (University of NairobiSchool od Medicine, 2013)
      BACKGROUND: The benefits of maternal health care to maternal and neonatal health outcomes have been well documented. Antenatal care attendance, institutional delivery and skilled attendance at delivery all help to improve ...
    • The effects of pregnancy intention on the use of antenatal care services: systematic review and meta-analysis. 

      Dibaba, Y; Fantahun, M; Hindin, MJ (University of NairobiSchool of Medicine, 2013)
      BACKGROUND: There has been considerable debate in the reproductive health literature as to whether unintended pregnancy influences use of maternal health services, particularly antenatal care. Despite the wealth of ...
    • Trauma, grief and depression in Nairobi children after the 1998 bombing of the American Embassy. 

      Pfefferbaum, B; North, CS; Doughty, DE; Pfefferbaum, RL; Dumont, CE; Pynoos, RS; Gurwitch, RH; Ndetei, David M. (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2006-07)
      Despite the increasingly dangerous world where trauma and loss are common, relatively few studies have explored traumatic grief in children. The 1998 American Embassy bombing in Nairobi, Kenya, provided an unfortunate ...
    • Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia in developing countries: prevalence, management, and risk factors. 

      Kalaria, RN; Maestre, GE; Arizaga, R; Friedland, RP; Galasko, D; Hall, K; Luchsinger, JA; Ogunniyi, A; Perry, EK; Potocnik, F; Prince, M; World Federation of Neurology Dementia Research Group; Ndetei, David M. (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2008-09)
      Despite mortality due to communicable diseases, poverty, and human conflicts, dementia incidence is destined to increase in the developing world in tandem with the ageing population. Current data from developing countries ...
    • Personality disorder: a new global perspective. 

      Tyrer, P; Mulder, R; Crawford, M; Newton-Howes, G; Simonsen, E; Ndetei, David M.; Koldobsky, N; Fossati, A; Mbatia, J; Barrett, B (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2010-02)
      Personality disorder is now being accepted as an important condition in mainstream psychiatry across the world. Although it often remains unrecognized in ordinary practice, research studies have shown it is common, creates ...
    • Mental disorders, health inequalities and ethics: A global perspective 

      Ngui, EM; Khasakhala, L; Ndetei, David M.; Roberts, LW (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2010)
      The global burden of neuropsychiatry diseases and related mental health conditions is enormous, underappreciated and under resourced, particularly in the developing nations. The absence of adequate and quality mental health ...
    • Surgery for peptic ulceration. 

      Jani, PG (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 1994)
      Partial gastric resection for peptic ulcer--comparison of the effect of variant reconstructive procedures on gastric emptying, gastric acid secretion and gastrin release in the early postoperative period I. Roux-en-Y and ...
    • Effects of a mobile phone short message service on antiretroviral treatment adherence in Kenya (WelTel Kenya1): a randomised trial. 

      Lester, RT; Ritvo, P; Mills, EJ; Kariri, A; Karanja, S; Chung, MH; Jack, W; Habyarimana, J; Sadatsafavi, M; Najafzadeh, M; Marra, CA; Estambale, Benson B.; Ngugi, E; Ball, TB; Thabane, L; Gelmon, LJ; Kimani, J; Ackers, M; Plummer, FA (Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Nairobi, 2010)
      BACKGROUND: Mobile (cell) phone communication has been suggested as a method to improve delivery of health services. However, data on the effects of mobile health technology on patient outcomes in resource-limited ...
    • Addiction psychiatry 

      Beaumont, C; Friedlander, W; Ndetei, David M. (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 2011-07)
    • Prevalence of anti-thyroid antibodies in patients with primary thyroid disorders. 

      Kuria, JG; Amayo, A. (University of Nairobischool of public health, 2008-09)
      OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence of thyroid antimicrosomal and antithyroglobulin antibodies among patients with primary thyroid disorders. DESIGN: Descriptive cross-sectional study. SETTING: Kenyatta National Hospital, ...
    • Oesophageal variceal banding: report of the first eight cases in Kenya. 

      Jani, PG (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 199)
      Twenty variceal banding sessions were performed in eight patients between February 1995 and September 1996. A total of 69 rings were used to band the varices and at each session between two to six rings were used. Two of ...
    • Human caliciviruses detected in HIV-seropositive children in Kenya 

      Mans, J; Murray, TY; Kiulia, NM; Mwenda, JM; Musoke, RN (University of Nairobi,Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, 2013-10-12)
      The human caliciviruses (HuCVs) are important causes of gastroenteritis worldwide. Norovirus (NoV) and sapovirus (SaV) have been detected in HIV-seropositive children but the genetic diversity of HuCVs circulating in these ...
    • Outpatient experience with oesophageal endoscopic dilation. 

      Jani, PG; Mburugu, PG (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 1998)
      Between March 1990 and August 1997, outpatient endoscopic balloon dilation was performed for oesophageal strictures which developed secondary to malignancies, peptic strictures, post surgical narrowing, achalasia cardia, ...
    • Pyrexia of undetermined origin in children 

      Were, FN (University of Nairobi,, 1991-09)
    • Duodenal perforation following blunt abdominal trauma: case report. 

      Jani, PG; Abdel-Aziz, IS; Yajnik, KN (University of NairobiCollege of Health Science, 1998)
      A case of severe duodenal injury in a 20-year-old female due to blunt abdominal trauma secondary to road traffic accident is presented. The difficulty and hence delay in making a diagnosis of duodenal injury is discussed.