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dc.contributor.authorBarasa, E
dc.contributor.authorOtieno, SA
dc.contributor.authorKarimurio, J
dc.identifier.citationBarasa, E., Otieno, S. A., & Karimurio, J. (2015). The prevalence and pattern of visual impairment and blindness among Primary School pupils in Kitale Municipality, Kenya. JOECSA, 17(2).en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To investigate the prevalence and pattern of Visual Impairment(VI) and blindness among primary school pupils in Kitale Municipality from February to March 2009. Design: Cross-sectional school based study. Setting: Primary Schools in Kitale Municipality, Kenya. Subjects: Seven hundred and seventy six pupils of the age range 5-22 and mean of 10.81 years from standard one to standard eight. Results: The prevalence of visual impairment was 4.77% and 0% for severe visual impairment while that of blindness was 0.13%. Girls contributed 35.14% of cases of visual impairment while boys contributed 64.86%. The age group most affected was 11-15 years (59.46%). There were higher chances of developing VI with increasing age. Public schools contributed 81.08% of cases of visual impairment while for private schools, it was 18.92%. Two zones (Grassland and Bidii) with peri-urban characteristics contributed 75.68% of VI cases while two purely urban zones (Milimani and Bondeni) contributed 24.31%. The only case of blindness was due to retinal disease in a standard one female pupil aged 8 years, in a public school within Bondeni zone. The leading cause of visual impairment was refractive error (81.08%). Other causes included albinism, corneal disease, disease of whole globe and strabismus. Conclusions: Visual impairment and blindness among primary school pupils in Kitale municipality is of public health importance. Recommendations: There is need to carry out annual school eye screening by relevant ministries in order to enhance early detection and management of eye problems among primary school pupilsen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleThe prevalence and pattern of visual impairment and blindness among Primary School pupils in Kitale Municipality, Kenyaen_US

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