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dc.contributor.authorUniversity of Nairobi
dc.description.abstractYou are all invited for a seminar presentation by Ms. Marta Faneca Sanchez, a visiting research scientist. Date: Wednesday 26th June 2013 Venue: Synoptic Laboratory at 2.15 p.m. Topic: “Drought Vulnerability in Kenya" This is part of their on-going work within the European Project (DEWFORA), entitled “Improved Drought Early Warning and Forecasting to strengthen preparedness and adaptation to droughts in Africa.” Marta will present methodology and preliminary results, and together with her collaborators stimulate a highly interactive discussion on the indicators for droughts vulnerability and their weights. Your participation, therefore, will be instrumental in determining the outcomes of this very important research work. C.B. Lukorito Seminar Coordinating Committeeen_US
dc.titleInvitation to a seminar by visiting research scientisten_US

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