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dc.contributor.authorUniversity of Nairobi
dc.description.abstractThe University of Porto on behalf of the Consortium Universities is happy to inform you that there is a new ANGLE 2nd Cohort for masters, PhD & staff mobility launched and that the call for applications is open from 19th July to 15th November, 2013. University of Nairobi is a member of this Consortium and potential Masters, PhD UoN students & staff are encouraged to apply for the right scholarship mobility. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that within the ANGLE there are several European Institutions (University of Liege – Belgium, University of Lille – France, Georg-August University-Gottigen- Germany, University of Porto – Portugal, University of Complutence of Madrid (UCM) – Spain, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) – Spain, University of Deusto – Spain, Rijksuniversity Gronnigen -Netherlands, Institute Superia Tecnico – Portugal). It is advisable that potential students choose 3 different Institutions during application especially UDeusto, UGOE and RUG. The Scholarship offers 10 -20 months full masters degree mobility, 10 months PhD mobility and one (1) month for academic & administrative staff mobility. Candidates are asked to review the various masters programmes from the European Institutions. Most of these Institutions offer or teach masters degrees in English, as well. Please visit the ANGLE website regularly for familiarization of the various documents before you apply online. The scholarships cover tuition, stipend, medical insurance, return air ticket, visa fee etc. Please do not hesitate to contact the U.Porto’s Erasmus Mundus Unit in case you need any information Barbara Costa Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Project manager International Office - University of Porto Tel: + 351 220 408 165 Email: The Director, Centre for International Programmes & Links, University of Nairobi, Tel: 254-318262 Ext.28113/28135, 0712-718808en_US
dc.titleAngle 2nd Cohort Scholarships for Masters, PhD & Staff Mobilityen_US

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