Show simple item record Talukhaba, A.
dc.contributor.authorRwelamlla, P. D
dc.contributor.authorMbaya, J. S.
dc.description.abstractKenya is an East African country located 4°N and 4°S of the equator and 34"E and 42°E of the prime meridian. The country has a total area of approximately 582,646 Km2 with varying climatic conditions that include tropical, savannah and semi arid. Two predumillant climatic seasons are experienced: lhe iung rains season between iviarch and August and the short rains season from October to November. The annual mean temperature is approximately 27°C with higher temperatures experienced in the North and at the Coast while cooler temperatures are experienced in the high altitude areas. According to the Statistical Abstract (2000), the population of Kenya was estimated to be about 28.7 million in 1999, comprising 42 ethnic groups who speak their own African dialects. However, in addition the majority of Kenyans speak Kiswahili and English. The population is predominantly young with almost three quarters aged below 21 years. Life expectancy is estimated to be 51 years for men and 55 for women. Eighty percent of this population lives in rural areas although this is expected to change in the next 20 years or so due to increase in rural-urban migration. This is causing a strain on the provision of many social services in urban centres, particularly housing.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleProfile of kenyaen_US

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