Reservoir rock characterization of Lamu basin in South East Kenya
Lamu Basin formed as a result of failed arm of a tri-radial rift system (Reeves et al., 1986) that
developed passively in Mesozoic after the subsequent drift of Madagascar from the East Africa
coast. It is the largest sedimentary basin in Kenya encompassing 170,000 km2 both onshore and
offshore. Lamu Basin is characterized by distinct sandstone facies which formed from PermoCarboniferous
through Tertiary in four Megasequences that show variation in grain sizes,
porosity, permeability, compaction, shaliness and cementation. This is largely determined by the
forces involved in the formation and their environmental setting. This categorizes the facies into;
continental rift basin sandstones, fluvial-deltaic sandstones, and the sandstones due to marine
The study objectives were developed in line with the need to investigate on the sedimentological
(grain size, texture, thickness and sorting) and petrophysical (porosity, permeability and the
seismic velocity contrasts) parameters of mainly the sandstones as reservoir rocks. This was
achieved by adopting information from the well logs (porosity, resistivity, gamma ray and
seismic data) studied from the drilled wells in Lamu Basin. The relationships between these
properties were determined in order to evaluate the quality of the sandstone as reservoir rocks.
The results showed that the petrophysical properties of the characteristic sandstones are directly
related to their sedimentological characteristics (primary factor) but are either improved or
reduced by diagenesis (secondary factors) for instance cementation, dissolution or compaction.
The sands grade from siltstones to coarse grained (0. 0039-1.0 mm) sizes whereby the higher and
low grades are related to fluvial and deltaic origin respectively. Their porosity values range from
fair to excellent with the highs of >20% and lows of <15%. The sandstones with higher values of
effective porosity were considered permeable but <10% porous ones implied negligible
permeability. The seismic velocity contrasts were used to determine the degree of compaction of
the sandstones in relation to other rocks in the basin. High compaction depict high seismic
velocity, relatively low porosity and permeability whereas the vice versa is true.
The study was considered successful by having achieved the objectives that were set for
investigations. From the sedimentological and petrophysical point of view, most of the
sandstones in Lamu Basin have relatively good reservoir characteristics.
Bachelor of Science in Geology.Publisher
University of Nairobi Geology