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dc.contributor.authorMohamed, Abdullahi, J
dc.description.abstractThis section provides global, regional and national perspectives of the subject matter of the study, which is citizen journalism and news reporting on terrorism. The new paradigm of terrorism is partly a consequence of a sudden development of information technology, which is particularly manifested in the fact that terrorist organisations have recognized the importance mass media has on the accomplishment of their aims. The overall objective of this study is to highlight the changing landscape on media reporting with the emergence of citizen journalism with emphasis on terrorism. The aim of the study was to provide an overview of the impact of social media on dissemination of information; to examine the Garissa Terrorist attack as a case study on the effects of citizen journalism on terrorism reporting and to demonstrate the gap in regulation on the dissemination of information in the public domain. This study used both primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The interviewing took a direct format, which involves the presentation of an oral stimulus in form of a question and a verbal response from the respondent. This instrument of data collection enabled the researcher to control the setting; it is flexible as one can probe and in the process get in-depth information; it has a large response rate; one can adopt the language to the ability of the respondents; one can also control the environment and the question order; and, most importantly it the respondent alone, who answers with no assistance from the researcher or any other person. The interview guides were administered to Ministry of information technology, Media houses, and policy makers in the field of information media and technology. The study established that a range of problems in reporting on terrorism that are practical, political, ethical, and structural. This is an evolving issue as both the nature of terrorism and media environment continue to change. The practical problem is of improving accuracy and providing better-informed context. It is particularly difficult with limited resources and rapidly multiplying sources and platforms. The same technologies that give journalists the power to report quicker and more extensively also speed up the news cycle and fill the public sphere with confusing, false, and complex information. Yet verification can be improved by adopting better techniques and insisting on standards across all platforms and under all circumstances. Greater transparency is a key attitudinal change that will help improve the search for truth and build trust. The study recommends that more It is important we get this right. Trust in American media has plummeted to new lows. At a time when journalism is facing an economic crisis, we must rebuild the public’s confidence. Consumers have so many alternatives to mainstream news media and so many distractions from journalism overall, we need to prove our worth. Terrorism is a key testing ground. Improving coverage of terrorism is important because violent extremism is a significant issue and symptomatic of wider problems around the world. The case for more intelligent, informed, and socially responsible reporting of terror is not just a moral plea. It is a chance to show journalism remains a vital part of modern society.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectCitizen Journalism and Conflict News Reportingen_US
dc.titleCitizen Journalism and Conflict News Reporting: a Case Study of the Garissa University Terror Attacken_US

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