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dc.contributor.authorAwinja, Winnie M
dc.description.abstractThere is arising problem of family unit in Kenya. A good number of children are being brought up by single parents or in a dysfunctional family. The Kenya Population and Housing Census (2009) indicated that it is hard for one to tell how many cohabiting partners with kids separate although it has to be a significant number as 30 per cent of children born in 2010 were either from single or dysfunctional families. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between formal employment and marital Quality among married women in Nairobi County, Kenya. Literature is reviewed in regards to the theoretical rationale, empirical review relationship between formal employment on marital adjustment, marital quality and socioeconomic status, age, level of education, religion, duration of marriage, family background, presence of children and the, conceptual framework. A descriptive research design and survey was used to collect data. The study was conducted on women who are married and are on formal employment in Nairobi County. A total of 405 women in employment were sampled using probability sampling (cluster and stratified random sampling).A self-administered data collection instrument consisting of socio-demographic data sheet, and marital adjustment test (MAT) was used. Data acquired was processed using SPSS version 23, utilizing descriptive as well as inferential statistics. From the results, Chi-square values χ2=5.351 at p< 0.003 was between permanent employment and marital satisfaction, Chi-square values χ2 =2.189, at p< 0.005 was between self-employment and marital satisfaction, Chi-square values χ2=3.829, at p<0.004 was between temporary/contract employment and marital satisfaction; all were intervened by confounding variables. Thus the study concluded that there was statistical significant relationship between permanent employment on marital satisfaction, selfemployment on marital satisfaction and temporary/contract on marital satisfaction. Secondly, Pearson Chi-square results, Chi-square values χ2=22.267, at p< 0.006 was between formal employment and marital stability, intervened by confounding variables which there is statistically significant relationship given that the P value 0.006 is less than 0.05, From the Pearson Chi-square results, Chi-square values χ2 =22.113, at p< 0.004 was between permanent employment and marital adjustment, Chi-square values χ2=9.583,at p< 0.009 was between selfemployment and marital adjustment, Chi-square values χ2=9.774 at p< 0.032 was between temporary/contract employment and marital adjustment, all were intervened by confounding variables. The study concluded that there was statistical significant relationship between permanent employment on marital adjustment, and temporary/contract on marital adjustment and self-employment on marital adjustment. In addition, the Pearson Chi-square results, Chisquare values for permanent employment against marital stability, satisfaction and adjustment were 78.960, p=0.000, 87.007, p=0.000 and 49.429, p=0.048, respectively. This implies that there was a variation amongst employees who were on permanent basis in terms of marital quality. The women on permanent employment had high marital quality followed by those in contract terms and the least were those on self-employment. The study recommends for employment opportunities to be granted to women to increase marital satisfaction. The study forms a basis for reference in future by interested parties and academicians.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Relationship Between Formal Employment and Marital Quality Among Married Women in Nairobi Countyen_US

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