Show simple item record Mutuku, Justus M
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to identify the motivation and functions of code switching in thirteen selected Maasai songs. The study adopts Myers Scotton (1993:1), definition of code switching as the alternations of linguistic varieties within the same conversation. The study was qualitative in nature since it required description of code switching based on the data collected that showed instances of code switching. The data was analyzed and discussed within the frameworks of both the Markedness model by Myers Scotton (1993) and Communication Accommodation model by Howard Giles (1991).The data revealed three types of code switching. These are; intra word, intra sentential and inter sentential code switching but with varying degrees. Utilizing some of the features of the two models, the study found out the reasons for code switching. Some of the reasons which made the Maasai artists‟ code switch were attributed to the markedness model, for example, code switching to express inclusion and exclusion, to express emotions such as anger and authority and for aesthetic reasons. Other reasons were attributed to the Communication Accommodation model such as, code switching for filling lexical gaps, for economy and rhythm and for social reasons like euphemism. The study notes that the Maasai culture is not as dynamic as other cultures in East African region but with code switching this culture is in danger of dilution. The study therefore recommends further research to find out the socio-economic motivations behind code switching in Maasai songs.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Motivation and Functions of Code-switching: a Case Study of Selected Maasai Songsen_US

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