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dc.contributor.authorOwenga, Harriet A
dc.description.abstractThe modern edge business world is highly competitive. Chiefs of effective organizations know about this reality. They additionally perceive that clients are at the core of any business – and ought to be dealt with like lords and rulers. They in this manner bend over backward to successfully oversee associations with clients. At the core of this craving to deal with clients well is the information that these are truly the goose that lays the brilliant eggs for any firm. Top chiefs are likewise mindful that a client's needs are not thrown in stone. Client needs and purchasing behaviors change with time. To meet these dynamic needs, organizations detail different techniques. They may receive separated and client arranged activities. The point is to charm clients. They may likewise utilize particular advertising methodologies to present them that competitive advantage. It is against this background that this study looked at the influence of customer orientation on the performance suppliers of roofing sheets in Nairobi. The study adopted cross sectional survey by targeting companies on roofing sheets suppliers. The primary data collection method will be through questionnaires. The study found that the organization develops new products/services to cope with dynamic changing tastes and preferences of the customers on continuous basis. It was found that customers care is exercised during service delivery and the staff understand the target market needs and wants. The study found that that there is a positive relationship customer orientation on the performance. The study found that customer orientation explains 65% of execution in associations. To make due in the dynamic condition, authoritative procedures need to center around their clients and managing developing ecological changes in its working condition. The study recommends that the roofing sheet industry should focus basically around the requirements and inclinations of their clients, and serve clients effectively with the end goal to have a prevalent executionen_US
dc.publisheruniversity of nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectSuppliers of Steel Roofing Sheetsen_US
dc.titleInfluence of Customer Orientation on the Performance of Suppliers of Steel Roofing Sheets in Nairobien_US

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