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dc.contributor.authorKakhuta-banda, Francis B
dc.description.abstractKenya currently finds itself on the frontline fighting youth radicalization. Over the past 29 years Kenya has faced this challenge which includes horrendous terrorist attacks at Garissa and West Gate Mall among others. Young people who had been radicalized by a network of people born in Kenya carried out the attacks. The attacks exposed that the youth continue to be radicalized in the country and remain vulnerable. This has become a serious threat to national security. This research project looks objectively on why young people are being radicalized in Kenya and become terrorists; and how governments can counteract it; also to determine the causes of terrorism and sources of finance. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate youth radicalization and extremism in Africa. Furthermore, to examine counter-terrorism measures against youth radicalization. The conceptual framework of Relative Deprivation is used to inform the study in understanding the phenomenon of radicalization, data collection and analysis guidance. The findings of the study show that young people continue to be radicalized due to relative deprivation because of unemployment, marginalization, poverty, religion and peer pressure among others. The Kenyan government is called to step up efforts by promoting economic emancipation among marginalized communities by addressing youth unemployment and involving them in politics. The government needs to neutralize extremist indoctrination efforts, prevent and counter hate speech, extremist propaganda and conspiracy theories grounded on the internet. Furthermore, efforts on domestic politics to demystify Islam should increase. There is need to consider inclusion of radicalization in school curricula. The focus should include teaching human rights, upholding respect and diversity as a way to shape one's identity and counteract the negative influence like violent extremist ideologies. Funding for organizations and institutions should be increased and the government should continue to monitor the phenomenon of radicalization of youth in mosques, schools, universities and social media.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity of nairobien_US
dc.subjectYouth Deradicalisation in Africaen_US
dc.titleCountering Terrorism Through Youth Deradicalisation in Africa Case Study of Kenyaen_US

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