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dc.contributor.authorMbithi, Jacinta N
dc.description.abstractThe role of Women in Regional and National Development is very vital since Women play major role in the economy of any given country. Women form about 50% of Africa's human population and this creates the need for effective participation of this segment population in all development processes. As a human resource, the quality of the society they develop will be determined by the extend to which they themselves are involved in the process of change. The mass exodus of men in urban areas in search of wage income leave most women as the actual heads of the households with no adequate sources of income. These women are left as the chief providers of family welfare in such basic areas such as food, water, fuel general children wel fare and hous ing. This situation brings about a socially disruptive pattern which leaves women with no choice but to look for ways of solving these problems. The Kenyan government policies have shown that there's been "no systematic pol icy that address women issues directly while its recognizable that they plays major role in development. The fact that there has been no commitment to women Issue a does not mean that they are not development oriented. The formation of women self help groups allover the country shows that the~ are ready to participate in development issues of their society. In trying to show the role women sel f help groups have played in enhancing the living conditions in the society the study utilized both primary and secondary data. This study revealed that these women gave priorities to their pressing needs. This is an indication that training of these women on various skills related to their projects is important if they are to meet their objectives.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectThe Impact of Women Self-help Groups of Community Developmenten_US
dc.titleThe Impact of Women Self-help Groups of Community Development- a Case of Muthetheni Locationen_US

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