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dc.contributor.authorOmari, Hawa
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to assess the factors influencing the management of feeding programme in public ECDE centres in Nyeri County, Kenya. The objectives of this study included: to establish how community participation influenced the management of ECDE feeding programme, to identify how leadership styles influenced the management of ECDE feeding programme, to establish how human resource skills influenced management of ECDE feeding programme and to identify how procurement methods influenced management of the feeding programme in public ECDE centres in Nyeri County. This study targeted three public ECDE centers in Nyeri County that benefited from the County government’s School Feeding Program. Questionnaires, interview and observation schedules was used to gather data for the study. The target population of the study consisted of 15respondents.This target population included the 6 caregivers, 7teachers,1 procurement and 1 human resource officers. Since the target population was small the researcher used the universe population that was capturing the entire population as sample size. The researcher sought for an introductory letter from University of Nairobi and Authorization letters and research permit from NACOSTI. After getting a research permit, the researcher proceeded to the County Director of Education, Nyeri County and requested for acceptance to carry out research in public ECDE centres. The researcher personally distributed the research instruments. The questionnaires were self-administered. After one week, the filled questionnaires were collected from the ECDE teachers and caregivers. Data was analyzed using SPSS presented using of descriptive statistic; frequencies, mean, variance and standard deviation. Results of the analysis were facilitated the process of making justifiable conclusions on the problem under inquiry. Data from open ended questions was analyzed making use of content analysis and results from this analysis were presented in themes guided by the objectives of the study. Information from this was summarized by employing frequencies and percentages. The researcher explained to the respondents about the research ensuring them that the study was only for academic purpose. The researcher made it clear that the participation was voluntary and that the respondents felt free to decline or withdraw any time during the research period. Respondents were not coerced into participating in the study. The participants were informed to make the choice to participate or not and they were guaranteed that their privacy was to be protected by strict standard of anonymity. The study found out that Community Participationand Management of Feeding Programmes in Public ECDE correlated positively and significantly (r=0.548, p=0.000). The Table further indicated that Leadership styleand Management of Feeding Programmes in Public ECDE correlated positively and significantly (r=0.521, p=0.000). Human Resource Skills and Management of Feeding Programmes in Public ECDE correlated positively and significantly(r=0.543, p=0.000), It was further established that Procurement Methods Management of Feeding Programmes in Public ECDE correlated positively and significantly (r=0.523, p=0.000).The study also concedes that SFP helps to adjust the entry ages by attracting children to school during their right age of six yearsen_US
dc.publisheruniversity of nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectPublic Early Childhood Education Centresen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Management of Feeding Programme in Public Early Childhood Education Centres a Case of Nyeri County, Kenya.en_US

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