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dc.contributor.authorMagutu, Peterson O
dc.identifier.citationAfrican Journal of Business & Management(AJBUMA); vol.1 2010en
dc.identifier.issn2079-410x Entrepreneurship Ability
dc.description.abstractA great deal of research has investigated the reaso ns for the creation of new enterprises and the entr epreneurial characteristics of those individuals responsible fo r the emergence of new firms. This was a study on h ow do the students of the university of Nairobi business scho ol perceive their entrepreneurial ability in relati on to personal goals? The goals in entrepreneurial abilit y are influenced by factors such as: maximum utiliz ation of own skills and talents; full control of own future; achievement of what one values personally; being “ my own boss”; the freedom/opportunity to make own decision s; the opportunity to learn new things; financial s ecurity; performing challenging and exciting work; having pe ace of mind with a peaceful and stress-free life; a llocation of enough free time for family, hobbies, leisure, a nd other interests; an opportunity to extend one’s range of abilities, a goal to accumulate wealth; desire to l ive an adventurous and exciting life; the goal to s tart own business, striving for an idea to own business, an ultimate goal to be self employed and the wish to b ecome an influential person to the future
dc.titleA survey of personal goals and perceptions of Entrepreneurial ability among students at the School of Business, University of Nairobi.en
local.publisherSchool of Businessen
dc.contentMaalu, Jackson K
dc.contentNzuve Stephen M

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