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dc.contributor.authorKiratu, Leah W
dc.description.abstractAn education system geared towards critical thinking, problem solving and lifelong learning is an important part of the innovation ecosystem. The examination process is an important indicator of learning outcomes. In Kenya, examinations are managed by Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC), who are required to provide accurate and timely examination information to education stakeholders, including candidates, schools, curriculum developers, and education policy makers. This is hampered by information held in hardcopy documents that poses a challenge to access, search, dissemination and analysis. A number of attempts to digitize existing documents have not been successful. The research is purposed to come up with a digitization readiness model to assess the preparedness of KNEC and by extension other public organizations towards undertaking digitization. After reviewing theory on e-readiness and digitization of organizations, the study developed a digitization readiness assessment model (DRAM), which included organizational, IT governance, competency, technology and ICT security readiness indicators. The model was then validated through a survey at KNEC. Through a quantitative survey, the study sought to establish the preparedness of KNEC to carry out digitization. Purposive sampling targeting a population of 100 respondents was done. A questionnaire was the main data collection instrument, while data analysis was by use of frequencies, descriptive analysis and Principal Component Analysis. The analysis established an aggregation of success factors along three components; most critical, critical, and less critical/supportive. The study reveals that the most critical indicators address governance of ICT projects, critical indicators addresses control measures of the same while less critical factors are supportive. The emergent digitization (preparedness) index for KNEC was found to be 2.88, on a scale of 1 to 4, where 2.5 is the minimum expected level of readiness. A critical look however at the individual indices that aggregate this score shows weakness in some of the factors associated with the “most critical” axis. These are competency readiness and Organizational Readiness. The study concludes that Digitization Readiness Assessment Model is useful to managers of public organizations, for decision-making and recommends sector wide approach towards digitization as a way to optimize resources.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectDigitization Readiness Assessment in Public Organizations a Case of Kenya National Examinations Councilen_US
dc.titleDigitization Readiness Assessment in Public Organizations a Case of Kenya National Examinations Councilen_US

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