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dc.contributor.authorChirchir, Robert K
dc.description.abstractMicrofinance credit cannot be underscored in the development and evolution of firms. The quality microfinance credit is a prerequisite for financial survival and continued operation. The immense profitability is a product of appropriate policies guiding the business and its credit. Moreover, the efficiency and effectiveness of the firm is replicated on the profitability. The firms’ mandate is to advance the returns, broaden and deepen sources of revenues through diversification, speculation of investment and efficiency. The microfinance credit and profitability are intertwined in the operation. It is imperative to elucidate that the supreme goal of the microfinance credit is to empower the firms and increase the capability. Notably, their operations have transformed to reach greatest notch and adequate framework have been incorporated to realize the aspiration and take chief part in the economic transformation. Moreover, profitability is vital for the success of the business. The excellent ideas are implemented with core objective of reaping substantial returns. Moreover, human capital, assets and investors have an integrated goal of ensuring continued profitability of the business. The objective of the study is to investigate the effect of microfinance credit on the profitability of SACCOs. On the other side, the descriptive design is common for explanation of cause-effect connection. The analyzing of the objective and arranging the work for easy computation is essential. In addition, purposive sampling is appropriate for rigorous assessment thereby arriving at the diligent conclusion. Arbitrarily, the data collected assist in realistic answers. The data collection was from 2017-2021 relating to 41 SACCOs. The data assembled was channeled via intensive procedures for analysis and conclusive outcome. The data was therefore classified, reviewed, and coded. Consequently, the study maximized SPSS for mathematical computation to arrive at better discernment. Moreover, it simplifies the interpretation and conclusion. It is important to postulate that dataset reached dependable solution through calculation, interpretation, and discussion. For instance, the standard deviation captured in the study expounded on the variability hence encapsulating data and providing condensed but insight findings. Importantly, profitability’s autonomous figure was 0.088 hence accentuating that when all factors are kept constant there is an improvement in the profitability by 8.8%. As a consequence, an increment in the personal loans by a solitary unit translates to insubstantial increment in the profitability by 1.3% only when other enablers are kept constant (β=0.013, p=0.096>0.05). Furthermore, an addition of a solitary unit to business loans generates a corresponding significant decrease in the profitability by 18.8% whenever all the enabling factors are maintained unchanged (β=-0.188, p=0.000<0.05). Consequently, an improvement of agricultural loan by a singular unit appropriately triggers and a substantial adjustment on the profitability of 6.7% if all other variables are kept constant (β=0.067, p=0.000<0.05). In consequence, unitary positive advancement of real estate loans reciprocates an appropriate substantial increment on the profitability by 1.7% under condition that all enablers are constant (β=0.017, p=0.15<0.05). Furthermore, the study recommends that extra diligence should be observed when advancing a loan to any group. Preferably, collaterals should be sought before loan disbursements.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleEffect of Microfinance Credit on the Profitability of Saccos in Kenyaen_US

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