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dc.contributor.authorKoech, Betty J
dc.description.abstractFlooding is a natural disaster that occurs when water inundates dry land. Kenya has been a victim of such a disaster where its citizen loses their valuables. Baringo South Sub-County is one of the country's hotspots. In 2013 houses were submerged, crop fields destroyed, health centers, schools, and roads damaged. This study aimed to investigate floods' socio-economic effects in the Baringo South Sub-County's semi-arid lowlands. The following objectives guided the study: To establish the vulnerability of the communities to floods, assess the socio-economic effects of floods, evaluate risk preparedness for floods, and explore the management practices usedfor floods in Baringo South Sub-County. A purposive sampling technique was utilized to identify respondents. The survey, focus group discussion and key informant interviews were methods used in data collection. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The study revealed that poverty was the leading cause of people's vulnerability to floods, and floods destroyed pasture lands, displaced people from their homes, and destroyed cultural centers. Risk reduction measures applied were forecasts, and timely evacuation and management practices were cash transfers and humanitarian aid. In conclusion, floods affect people negatively, and there is a need for measures to be invented to avoid them. Therefore, help given to the victims should be pre-disaster and not post-disaster. Suggestions for further research are the study of the socio-economic effects of floods on communities surrounding any other lakes in the rift valleyen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectSocio-economic Effects of Floods in the Semi-arid Lowlands of Baringo South Sub-countyen_US
dc.titleThe Socio-economic Effects of Floods in the Semi-arid Lowlands of Baringo South Sub-county, Baringo County, Kenyaen_US

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