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dc.contributor.authorKaringi, Lincoln K
dc.description.abstractThe quality of the environment in the residential areas in Nairobi continues to deteri,orate at an alarming rate. This is manifested in the loss of biodiversity, accumulation of solid waste and fecal matter, overcrowding, dust, miscellaneous smells, high prevalence of diseases (especially in the slums) and other environmental quality indicators in the habitats. This study set out to establish the main factors that determine the quality of the environment in the residential areas of Nairobi, with a view to recommending possible strategies to enhance the quality of the environment in those areas. To facilitate investigations, residential areas in Nairobi were classified according to the average household income into low, middle and high_income residential areas. From the classified residential income categories, one residential estate was randomly chosen to represent that income stratum. Five environmental quality parameters were chosen for investigation and their magnitude established in each of the three socio-economic residential groupings. The environmental parameters chosen were, access to clean water, mode of human and solid waste disposal, population density, mode of land and house tenure and household income. Secondary and primary data sources were used. The key findings were that: • The level of infrastructure and service prOVIsIOnaffects the quality of the environment in the residential areas.•. • The quality and level of the infrastructure and services provided by the Nee in most residential areas. is low and lacking in the informal settlements. • Nee does not provide services in the informal settlements where majority of Nairobi's residents live. - v • Where people enjoy security of tenure, they are more committed to environmental conservation. • Population density in the residential areas IS inversely correlated with the average household income. • Environmental quality is worst in the low-income areas and it improves as the average household income improves. From the above findings it shows that low- income residential areas have the worst environmental quality in Nairobi. Therefore, more efforts towards improving the quality of the environment should be geared towards the low- Income areas. To improve the quality of the environment III the residential areas, the recommended interventions policies and strategies include, legitimising the informal settlements, provision of infrastructure and services, construction of affordable low cost quality houses, population redistribution, and initiating income generating activities as a way of sustainable environmental quality improvement.en
dc.titleFactors affecting environmental quality in the residential areas in Nairobien

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