Now showing items 740-759 of 18133

      Anaesthesia Trainees [1]
      Anaesthesia, Spinal, Oxygen, Free Air [1]
      Anaesthesiology, Medical Officers [1]
      anagement [1]
      Analgesic Activity, Acute Oral Toxicity and Phytochemical Screening [1]
      Analgesic Dosing for Post Caesarean Pain , Randomised Clinical Trial [1]
      Analogue to digital conversion, serial communication, Microcontroller, Sensors. [1]
      Analysing Dynamics of Biofuel Production Among Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia East Sub-county, Laikipia, Kenya [1]
      Analysing the effects of Commitment of police recruits and demands of National responsibilities [1]
      Analysis [2]
      analysis [1]
      Analysis and Modelling of Cartographic Services [1]
      Analysis of access to and utilization of Macadamia nut Information along the value chain in Central Kenya [1]
      Analysis of barriers to the Enforcement of Hazardous Waste Regulations in the Leather Industry: a case study of Thika Industrial Area, Kiambu County, Kenya. [1]
      Analysis of Behaviour Change Communication in Covid-19 Response: a Case of the Kenya Ministry of Health and Accelerating Sustainable Control and Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (Ascend) Campaign in Coastal Counties [1]
      Analysis of Biometrics Authentication [1]
      Analysis of Charcoal Value [1]
      Analysis of Child Deprivations [1]
      Analysis of Climate Resilience Among the Livestock Dependent Community at Satao Elerai Community Wildlife Conservancy, Kajiado County, Kenya. [1]
      Analysis of Economic Value, Utilization and Conservation of Selected Non-timber Forest Products [1]