Now showing items 14147-14166 of 18558

      Reintegrating Of Child Soldiers In Education Systems: Case Study Of South Sudan, Juba [1]
      Reintegration [1]
      Reintegration Of Juvenile Offenders [1]
      Reinventing Corporate Social Responsibility in Kenya Through Government Regulation [1]
      Related Factors Influencing Teachers’ Involvement In Public Secondary Schools [1]
      Related operators [1]
      Relating Government Social Cash Transfers and Economic Growth in Kenya [1]
      Relation Extraction [1]
      Relationship [8]
      relationship [4]
      relationship between [5]
      Relationship Between Alcohol Use Disorder, Cognitive Reappraisal and Expression Suppression Among Youth Seeking Help in Rehabilitation Centers in Kiambu County, Kenya [1]
      Relationship Between Audit Tenure and Earnings Management of Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Nairobi County [1]
      Relationship Between Benchmarking and Performance [1]
      Relationship Between Board Characteristics and Financial Risk Management of Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange [1]
      Relationship Between Board Diversity and Financial Performance of Insurance Firms in Kenya [1]
      Relationship between board independence and operational performance of the construction and allied firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya [1]
      Relationship Between Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Investment Companies Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange [1]
      Relationship Between Community Livelihood Options and Climate Change Knowledge [1]
      Relationship Between Compliance Auditing and Financial Reporting Quality Among Commercial State Corporations in Kenya [1]