Now showing items 51-150 of 228

    Agricultural information (1)
    agricultural markets (1)
    Agriculture (1)
    Air travel (1)
    Albendazole (1)
    Alcohol manufacture (1)
    Altman model (1968) (1)
    Anaemia (1)
    Ant-avoidance rules (1)
    Appraisal (1)
    Arbitration (1)
    Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (1)
    Article 2(6) (1)
    ASALs (1)
    Assessment (1)
    atmospheric aerosols (1)
    authentication systems (1)
    Balance (1)
    Balanced score-card (1)
    Balanced scorecard (1)
    Banking industry (1)
    Barclays bank (1)
    Beef cattle farmers (1)
    Beer industry (1)
    Bereaus (1)
    Biblica Africa (1)
    Biometric (1)
    board management (1)
    bone decay rate (taphonomy) (1)
    Brand identities (1)
    Business (1)
    Business continuity (1)
    Business process outsourcing (BPO) (1)
    Cadastral system (1)
    Capital (1)
    Capital structures (1)
    Carbon (1)
    Career development (1)
    Case Study (1)
    case study (1)
    Catfish (1)
    Cervical Cancer (1)
    Change Management (1)
    Change management (1)
    Channels of communication (1)
    Children (1)
    Church World Services (1)
    Citizen centric approach (1)
    Civil rights - ICC (1)
    Class-A Parastatals (1)
    Cloud computing (1)
    Co-operative Bank (1)
    Commercial Banks (1)
    Commercial broiler (1)
    Community (1)
    Competitive Advantage (1)
    Competitive advantage (1)
    Competitive environment (1)
    Competitive strategic imperative (1)
    competitive strategy (1)
    Compliance (1)
    Constitution (1)
    Constitution of Kenya, 2010 (1)
    Constitutional environmental rights (1)
    constitutional law (1)
    Construction (1)
    Construction industry (1)
    Consumer attitude (1)
    Conventional banks (1)
    Corporate fraud (1)
    corporate governance practices (1)
    Corporate philanthropy (1)
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (1)
    Courier services industry (1)
    Credit management (1)
    Credit risk management (1)
    customer care (1)
    Customer perceptions (1)
    Customer stickiness (1)
    Debt collection strategies (1)
    deposit taking (1)
    Derived (1)
    Determinants (1)
    Determinants of Choice (1)
    Development (1)
    Development of infrastructure (1)
    diagnostic support system (1)
    Dietary diversity (1)
    Digital revolution (1)
    Direct sales (1)
    Disabilities act Act no. 14 of 2003 (1)
    Disaster recovery (1)
    Disease free zones (1)
    Dispute resolution (1)
    Distribution (1)
    Diversification strategy (1)
    diversity (1)
    Dividend payout ratio (1)
    Dividend policy (1)
    Domestic violence (1)