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dc.contributor.authorKazenga, Martine Mwizere
dc.identifier.citationA Project submitted to the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Master of Arts Degree in International Studiesen
dc.description.abstractThe study critically assesses the role of peacekeeping missions in conflict management. The study was based on the realist theory and shows how power politics impeded the work of the UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR). The objectives of the study were to i) To analyses the objectives and strategies ofUNAMIR and their outcomes so as to assess their impact on conflict management. ii) To assess whether the strategies by the UNAMIR addressed the perceived and root causes of the conflict Rwanda. iii) To establish the factors that led to the failure or success of UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda. The study which was a case study of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide employed the qualitative research design. The target population was Rwandans who lived in Kigali between 1993 and 1994. The sample comprised .2..0 Rwandans who are currently living in Nairobi and three peacekeepers who served in the"Unit"e~~tions Assistance Mission in Rwanda. The instruments used included questionnaires for the Rwandans and interviews for the peacekeepers. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The researcher identified the challenges encountered and mistakes made by the UN peacekeepers in trying to resolve the Rwandan conflict. The findings of the study reveal the following: UNAMIR was a complete failure. Lack of logistical support and institutional problems were the main causes ofUNAMIR failure. The study proposes some intervention strategies to improve peacekeeping operations so as to lead to better management of the many conflicts in the world and to prevent such tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide magnitude from happening again. One recommendation is that peacekeepers must be allowed to react by shifting from peacekeeping to peace enforcement without requiring a new mandate and this will help peacekeeping's move from a "culture of reaction" to a "culture of prevention."en
dc.titleA Critical Assessment of Peacekeeping Missions in Conflict Management: A Case Study of the 19_94 Rwandan Genocideen
local.publisherInstitute of Diplomacy and International Studiesen

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